
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Book Review: Sarah’s Quilt

Sarah's Quilt (Sarah Agnes Prine, #2)Sarah's Quilt by Nancy E. Turner
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I love reading these Sarah Agnes Prine novels. They make me want to work harder, complain less, and try to find time to write in a journal-- or someday make a quilt.

Not unlike the first book, this one was certainly filled with tribulations, but I like the emphasis on good values throughout. The book is well written and full of heart. This second novel isn't as much of a love story as the first book, but for me, it was still a good page-turner.

I have a few small complaints about the book. I found it blaringly obvious who was the cause of some trouble going on. I could see why Sarah wouldn't come to the same conclusion as easily and took a very long time to figure it out, but I still got annoyed with her for not seeing it.

Another thing, a bit of a spoiler here, so don't read if you don't want to know: [I thought Turner could have done much more or much less with the Lazrus character. The more we saw of him, I kept thinking there was a point, like maybe he was an old friend buried under all that filth who would reveal himself and tell his tale of how he came to be such a mess. It didn't even have to be that; I just thought that if she was going to put so much focus on that character, there could have been something more to him than what we learn in the end: yes, in fact, he was really just a crazy lunatic obsessed with Sarah. If he was just going to be some random, creepy, crazy guy, I wish Turner had gotten rid of him earlier instead of making us endure seeing him repeatedly throughout the whole book.]

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